Accommodation Search

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Lodging and Accommodations

Hotels, guesthouses, apartments, private rooms and campsites in Bovec

Bovec has a lot of accommodation facilities. A mayority of them are apartments and campsites, but recently we can see extended offer of hotels and guesthouses. Despite the large number of accommodation, it is recommended to make reservations well in advance. Especialy in months of July and August it is very difficult to find free accommodation.

Inquiry / Booking

For direct inquiry/booking, fill a contact form found on accommodation detail page. On detail page, you can also find adress, Google maps location, accommodation amenities, phone number, category of apartment/hotel and short description. Each detail page also contain a photo gallery of accommodation.

Casa Alpina Cottage ***

Address :

Kot 103a
5230 Bovec

Amenities :

  • Internet/Wi-Fi
  • TV cable/satellite
  • Balcony/Terrace
  • Parking
  • Garden

Details :

Accommodation category 3 stars
Number of beds 3
 Owner : Simon Černuta
 Phone number : + 386 41-686-052

 Inquiry & Reservation 

Our Apartment:

Our new holiday house – Casa Alpina Cottage is built and decorated in alpine style. It is located among greenery and wood just a step from popular Alpe Adria trekking route. One can appreciate panoramic views tof surrounding mountains from Cottage terrace or garden.

Google Maps Location :

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